Friday, February 21, 2020

Hal's Birthday

A couple of days ago was Hal's 7th birthday! It was his first time getting day presents. Day presents are an old tradition of our family. You would get small presents for however old you are turning every day before your birthday. A couple of years after Mama and Daddy got married, Daddy came up with the idea, and its been going on ever since. But when Dolly turned 7 they chose to give her day presents and give everyone else day presents when they turned 7. Now its Hals turn! Here are some picture sfrom Hal's birthday including his presents, (and one of his day presents).

the birthday boy

his treat bag

one of his card games

the best Lego set in the world (for him)

his noble sword (it's wood) and one his last day present 

a paw-patrol coloring book from Ricka

the insect gadget from Loulou

a bocce game  from Bruno

a level from QB

the hammer from Butler\

a paw-patrol fun pack from me

and a Lego set from Grandma & Grandpa

For Hal's birthday dinner he chose pho-ho, (Much to Bruno's' likeness) and for the cake he wanted a train. Mama took a mini loaf pan and used it like a cake pan for the train cars. For the engine she did who knows what to make it look so perfect that you don't want to ruin it by eating it. Cut? Chop? Slice? Pressure? I have no idea, but I know someone who will remember exactly what she did. Even though I was watching her I still can't remember anything she did. Except for maybe her baking the cake? Maybe a few more pictures will help...

 Hal's pho-ho dinner

baking in the kitchen

making the icing

sorting the candy

the train cars...

the engine in construction

half of the train

now the icing!

 almost done!

finished at last!



  1. WOW, I remember a cake like this for your older brother years ago... this one might be even better

